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Description: 基于VC++的MySQL的ODBC接口程序源代码,封装了数据库接口提供对MySQL的支持。核心代码大家可以参考,虽然很老,但仍然十分有用。
Platform: | Size: 215526 | Author: 286998253@QQ.COM | Hits:


Description: 使用vc++2010或2008等访问mysql数据库
Platform: | Size: 7428 | Author: tangyutianbulao | Hits:

[Database systemVc6.0 操作Mysql示例 vc60formysq

Description: VC操作MYSQL的一些例子-VC operation MYSQL some examples
Platform: | Size: 174080 | Author: | Hits:

[Database systemmysql-5.0.0-alpha-win-src

Description: Mysql for Windows最新源码,vc6\vs.net均可编译,吐血上传。-Mysql latest source code for Windows, vc6 \ vs.net can compile and upload to vomit blood.
Platform: | Size: 13268992 | Author: zeng | Hits:

[Database systemMySqlPlus

Description: vc数据库编程程序-vc procedures Database Programming
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: | Hits:


Description: MySql C++ library
Platform: | Size: 722944 | Author: 相文 | Hits:

[VOIP programRadiusSrv

Description: 自己团队用VC开发基于MYSQL数据库的连H323的openGK的实时身份验证,及IP地址验证的工程-their team-based VC MYSQL database links H323 openGK the real-time identification and validation of IP addresses works
Platform: | Size: 378880 | Author: 胡恒 | Hits:


Description: 这是C++进行MySQL开发的类库。由MySQL++提供。- This is C carries on the MySQL development a kind of storehouse. Provides by MySQL.
Platform: | Size: 804864 | Author: | Hits:


Description: mysql 4.0.16 for windows完整源代码 MySQL 4.0.16完整源代码,可使用VC编译。-windows integrity for MySQL 4.0.16 source code integrity of the source code, use VC compiler.
Platform: | Size: 9558016 | Author: 施登峰 | Hits:


Description: mysql数据库源代码,windows平台,语言vc,能整明白的交流交流-mysql database source code, windows platform, language vc can understand the whole communication exchange
Platform: | Size: 13539328 | Author: 雷天无 | Hits:


Description: 《MySQL数据库接口的VC实现与应用》配套代码-"MySQL database interface and Application VC" complementary code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: njhuangyuanyuan | Hits:


Description: MySQL的ODBC接口程序源代码(语言:VC)-MySQL ODBC interface program source code (language : VC)
Platform: | Size: 210944 | Author: 林意 | Hits:


Description: 实现了几个类来完成VC++下操作mysql数据库 自认为封装的还不错,用起来很方便,其中我使用的DBMS是mysql5.0。在控制台下开发完成-achieve several categories to complete the operation VC mysql database since that package was pretty good, very convenient for them to use, I use the DBMS is mysql5.0. The console developed
Platform: | Size: 611328 | Author: 刘冰 | Hits:


Description: 一个VC连接mysql数据库的例子,VC连接和显示数据,呵呵,希望有帮助各位-VC Connect a mysql database example, VC connection and display data, huh, huh, want to have to help you
Platform: | Size: 196608 | Author: 王广鹏 | Hits:

[Special EffectsVC++_image_Code

Description: VC++6.0图像处理算法集:图象的几何变换、平滑(去噪声)、锐化、腐蚀、膨胀、细化算法、半影调、抖动、直方图修正、彩色变换、腐蚀,膨胀,细化等算法,并有可执行文件供试用,并附有配套电子收,是图像处理入门的好资料。-VC++ 6.0 image processing algorithms: image geometric transformation, smoothing (to noise), sharpening, corrosion, expansion, thinning algorithm, penumbral tune jitter histogram of the amendment, color conversion, corrosion, swelling, refinement algorithm, etc., as well as executable files for trial, together with supporting electronic collection, image processing is a good data entry.
Platform: | Size: 12290048 | Author: 蓝云 | Hits:


Description: vc连接mysql 并且形成图书管理系统的源码,用的是5.0版mysql,里面有sql建库文件-vc connect mysql and the formation of the source library management system, version 5.0 using mysql, there are sql database file
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: Zhoutao | Hits:


Description: VC操作Mysql数据库,可对Mysql数据进行数据读写-VC operation Mysql Database, Mysql data can read and write data
Platform: | Size: 715776 | Author: David | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMySQL_DBC_database_interface_program_source_code_V

Description: MySQL数据库的ODBC接口程序VC源代码MySQL ODBC database interface program source code VC-MySQL ODBC database interface program source code VC
Platform: | Size: 216064 | Author: ynxx | Hits:


Description: vc++访问mysql数据库 的封装,方便使用。-vc++ to access mysql database package, easy to use.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:


Description: vc++ 连接mysql数据库,实现基本功能-vc++ connect mysql database to achieve the basic functions
Platform: | Size: 5473280 | Author: xiaok | Hits:
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